Importing vB & Database Update Issues
We (that is to say my developer and I) are attemping to import a vB install that a previous owner passed on to me. He gave me a .rar file with the folders/files, etc. and the .sql export from his server. I'm currently running the setup on a shared hosting plan. Everything seems to be working fine, expect updating certain portions on the back-end is not working properly. For example when I goto any section in the back-end control panel and try to update ANYthing it will not take. It's NOT a database problem I don't believe because the database user has all privileges. I'm quite experienced in PHP/MySQL, so if someone could ask some questions and help us figure out what's wrong that would be of great benefit. I have not worked with vBullietn before, so I'm not sure if file permissions are a big deal as well. Upon import all the folders received a 755 permission and all files seem to have a 644 permission. What can be done to resolve this issue. We have quite a few members who really should be able to update their information. Thank you in advance.