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Old 11-07-2009, 10:50 PM
final kaoss final kaoss is offline
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Default No drag implementation

So I was browsing along today and found this:

// dragdropable.js (1.0.1)
//	Copyright (C) 2006 Jason Davis, www.jasonkarldavis.com
//	This code is licensed under the LGPL:
//		http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
// Documentation:
//	This script exposes two global variables, Draggable and Droppable. To make an
//	element draggable, simply call `Draggable(element)`. This sets the necessary
//	CSS properties and event handlers. It also overrides the addEventListener and
//	and attachEvent methods (if present) to include the following events:
//		onstart		(When the element begins dragging)
//		ondrag		(When the element is being dragged)
//		onstop		(When the element has stopped dragging)
//	You may also assign element.onstart, element.ondrag, and element.onstart to
//	add event listeners.
//	Lastly, if you need to physically prevent an element from dragging, you may
//	call event.preventDefault() from within the onstart handler.
//	To make an element droppable (have things dragged onto it), call
//	`Droppable(element)`. This sets the necessary event handlers and coordinate
//	searches. Once again, it overrides addEventListener and attachEvent to
//	include the following events:
//		onhover		(When another element has been dragged over the element)
//		ondrop		(When another element has been dropped onto the element)
//		onunhover	(When another element has been dragged off the element)
//	As before, you may also set element.onhover, element.ondrop, and
//	element.onunhover directly.
//	To remove all drop points from the current session, call `Droppable.reset()`.
//	The event object is also extended with the following properties:
//		dragTarget	(The element being dragged)
//		dropTarget	(The element being dropped onto)
// Known bugs:
//	* removeEventListener and detachEvent do not work with the custom events.
//		Workaround: Use direct assignment (element.onevent) instead.
//	* There is no way to remove a single drop point.
//		Workaround: Call Droppable.reset(), then reinitialize the other drop points.
//	* There is no way to remove dragging from an element.
//		Workaround: element.onstart = function(event) { event.preventDefault() }
//	* Changing position of droppable elements after initialization breaks drop
//		Workaround: Static droppables are much faster than moving ones. Either call
//		Droppable.reset() and reinitialize often, or ask the author to modify the
//		script to account for this (and accept the resulting slowdown)

function Draggable(element) {
	// initialize drag variable
	var x = 0, y = 0, oldMouseMove, oldMouseUp;

	// get style properties of element
	var computedStyle;
	if (typeof document.defaultView != "undefined" && typeof document.defaultView.getComputedStyle != "undefined")
		computedStyle = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, "");
	else if (typeof element.currentStyle != "undefined")
		computedStyle = element.currentStyle;
		computedStyle = element.style;

	// prep element for dragging
	if (computedStyle.position == "static" || computedStyle.position == "")
		element.style.position = "relative";
	if (computedStyle.zIndex == "auto" || computedStyle.zIndex == "")
		element.style.zIndex = 1;
	element.style.left = isNaN(parseInt(computedStyle.left)) ? "0" : computedStyle.left;
	element.style.top  = isNaN(parseInt(computedStyle.top )) ? "0" : computedStyle.top;

	// default event listeners
	function onstart(event) {
		event.dragTarget = element;
		x = event.clientX;
		y = event.clientY;

		// Override preventDefault
		event.preventDefault = (function(original) {
			return function() {
				element.ownerDocument.onmousemove = oldMouseMove;
				element.ownerDocument.onmouseup = oldMouseUp;
		})(event.preventDefault || function() {});

		if (element.onstart) element.onstart(event);
	function ondrag(event) {
		event.dragTarget = element;
		element.style.left = parseInt(element.style.left) + event.clientX - x + "px";
		element.style.top  = parseInt(element.style.top)  + event.clientY - y + "px";
		x = event.clientX;
		y = event.clientY;
		if (element.ondrag) element.ondrag(event);
	function onstop(event) {
		event.dragTarget = element;
		if (element.onstop) element.onstop(event);

	// make listeners active
	element.onmousedown = (function(oldMouseDown) {
		return function() {
			// Call old listener
			if (oldMouseDown) oldMouseDown.apply(this, arguments);

			// Store old event handlers
			oldMouseMove = this.ownerDocument.onmousemove;
			oldMouseUp   = this.ownerDocument.onmouseup;

			// Setup events
			this.ownerDocument.onmousemove = function() {
				// Call old listener
				if (oldMouseMove) oldMouseMove.apply(this, arguments);

				// Call ondrag
				ondrag.call(element, arguments[0] || event);

				return false;
			this.ownerDocument.onmouseup = function() {
				// Call old listener
				if (oldMouseUp) oldMouseUp.apply(this, arguments);

				// Call onstop
				onstop.call(element, arguments[0] || event);

				// Restore old event listeners
				this.onmousemove = oldMouseMove;
				this.onmouseup   = oldMouseUp;

				return false;

			// Call onstart
			onstart.call(this, arguments[0] || event);

			return false;

	// override event attachers
	if (element.addEventListener)
		element.addEventListener = (function(original) {
			return function(event, listener, useCapture) {
				switch (event) {
					case "start":
						onstart = (function(old) {
							return function(event) { old.call(element,event); listener.call(element,event); }
					case "drag":
						ondrag = (function(old) {
							return function(event) { old.call(element,event); listener.call(element,event); }
					case "stop":
						onstop = (function(old) {
							return function(event) { old.call(element,event); listener.call(element,event); }
						original.call(element, event, listener, useCapture);
	if (element.attachEvent)
		element.attachEvent = (function(original) {
			return function(event, listener) {
				switch (event) {
					case "onstart":
						onstart = (function(old) {
							return function(event) { old.call(element,event); listener.call(element,event); }
					case "ondrag":
						ondrag = (function(old) {
							return function(event) { old.call(element,event); listener.call(element,event); }
					case "onstop":
						onstop = (function(old) {
							return function(event) { old.call(element,event); listener.call(element,event); }
						original.call(element, event, listener);
		if (window.attachEvent)
			window.attachEvent("onbeforeunload", function() {
				onstart = ondrag = onstop = element.onmousedown = element.addEventListener = element.attachEvent = null;
				element = null;

// initialize Droppable in the global scope
var Droppable;

(function() {
	if (document.getBoxObjectFor) {
		function getOffset(element) {
			var box = document.getBoxObjectFor(element);
			return { x: box.x, y: box.y };
	else if (document.all && navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" && !window.opera) {
		function getOffset(element) {
			var range = document.body.createTextRange();
			var rect = range.getBoundingClientRect();
			return { x: rect.left, y: rect.top };
	else {
		function getOffset(element) {
			var accumulator = arguments[1] || { x: 0, y: 0 };
			if (element && element != document.body) {
				accumulator.x += element.offsetLeft;
				accumulator.y += element.offsetTop;
				return getOffset(element.offsetParent, accumulator);
			else {
				return accumulator;

	// initialize private pointers to current target information
	var cTarget = null, cHover = null, cUnhover = null, cDrop = null;
	function hotSpots(x,y) {
		cTarget = cHover = cUnhover = cDrop = null;

	// declare Droppable within the private scope
	Droppable = function(element) {
		// Calculate offset
		var offset = getOffset(element);

		// Calculate other edge offset
		var edge = { x: offset.x + element.offsetWidth, y: offset.y + element.offsetHeight };

		// Assign a finder function
		hotSpots = (function(old) {
			return function(x,y) {
				if (offset.x <= x && x <= edge.x && offset.y <= y && y <= edge.y) {
					cTarget  = element;
					cHover   = onhover;
					cUnhover = onunhover;
					cDrop    = ondrop;
				else {

		// default event listeners
		function onhover(event) {
			event.dropTarget = element;
			if (element.onhover) element.onhover(event);
		function onunhover(event) {
			event.dropTarget = element;
			if (element.onunhover) element.onunhover(event);
		function ondrop(event) {
			event.dropTarget = element;
			if (element.ondrop) element.ondrop(event);

		// override event attachers
		if (element.addEventListener)
			element.addEventListener = (function(original) {
				return function(event, listener, useCapture) {
					switch (event) {
						case "hover":
							onhover = (function(old) {
								return function(event) { old.call(element,event); listener.call(element,event); }
						case "unhover":
							onunhover = (function(old) {
								return function(event) { old.call(element,event); listener.call(element,event); }
						case "drop":
							ondrop = (function(old) {
								return function(event) { old.call(element,event); listener.call(element,event); }
							original.call(element, event, listener, useCapture);

		if (element.attachEvent)
			element.attachEvent = (function(original) {
				return function(event, listener) {
					switch (event) {
						case "onhover":
							onhover = (function(old) {
								return function(event) { old.call(element,event); listener.call(element,event); }
						case "onunhover":
							onunhover = (function(old) {
								return function(event) { old.call(element,event); listener.call(element,event); }
						case "ondrop":
							ondrop = (function(old) {
								return function(event) { old.call(element,event); listener.call(element,event); }
							original.call(element, event, listener);
		if (window.attachEvent)
			window.attachEvent("onbeforeunload", function() {
				hotSpots = onhover = onunhover = ondrop = element.addEventListener = element.attachEvent = cTarget = cHover = cUnhover = cDrop = null;
				element = null;

	// Setup a query method
	Droppable.query  = function(event) {	
		var oTarget  = cTarget,
		    oHover   = cHover,
		    oUnhover = cUnhover,
		    oDrop    = cDrop;

		var scrollLeft = document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft,
		    scrollTop  = document.documentElement.scrollTop  || document.body.scrollTop;

		hotSpots(event.clientX + scrollLeft, event.clientY + scrollTop);

		switch (event.type) {
			case "mousemove": // onhover & onunhover
				if (oTarget != null && oTarget != cTarget)
					oUnhover.call(oTarget, event);
				if (oTarget == null && cTarget != null)
					cHover.call(cTarget, event);
			case "mouseup": // ondrop
				if (cTarget != null) {
					cUnhover.call(cTarget, event);
					cDrop.call(cTarget, event);
	Droppable.reset = function() {
		hotSpots = function(x,y) {
			cTarget = cHover = cUnhover = cDrop = null;

// Fix the function prototype for IE5/Mac
if (typeof Function.prototype.apply == "undefined")
	Function.prototype.apply = function(scope, args) {
		if (!args) args = [];
		var index = 0, result;
		do { -- index } while (typeof scope[index] != "undefined");
		scope[index] = this;
		switch (args.length) {
			case 0:
				result = scope[index]();
			case 1:
				result = scope[index](args[0]);
			case 2:
				result = scope[index](args[0], args[1]);
			case 3:
				result = scope[index](args[0], args[1], args[2]);
			case 4:
				result = scope[index](args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]);
				result = scope[index](args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]);
		delete scope[index];
		return result;

if (typeof Function.prototype.call == "undefined")
	Function.prototype.call = function(scope) {
		var args = new Array(Math.max(arguments.length-1, 0));
		for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++)
			args[i-1] = arguments[i];
		return this.apply(scope, args);
Is there anyone who can fix it up for use with VB 3.8.4? Overall point to this is no drag = no text selection/no text selection = less posts being copied!
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