Version: 1.2.2, by powerful_rogue
Developer Last Online: Apr 2013
Category: New Posting Features -
Version: 3.8.2
Released: 05-27-2009
Last Update: 06-13-2009
Installs: 278
Uses Plugins
No support by the author.
Welcome Thread Upon Registration
This mod creates a welcome thread when a new member registers.
Features controlled via the ACP (See screenshot)
- Thread Title
- Thread Message
- Forum Location
- Post Icon
- Which User Creates Thread
- Thread Placed In Moderation
- Create Thread Before/After Email Activation
- Have a Random Title
- Have Random Thread Content
- Post From a Random Member
- Post a Random Icon
When is the thread created?
You now have the choice via the ACP! A thread can be created as soon as a member registers, or if you use email activation on your board, you can have the thread created once they have activated their email.
Boards that require an admin to approve new users
This mod has an option to place new threads into moderation. Once the new user has been approved via an admin, you can then release the new thread.
New Features in Version 1.2
Does your welcome forum look a little bit "samey" like this?
Same old thread title, same old post icon, same old user posting the thread and when you go inside it has the same old content?
Well maybe I could interest you in the latest version of this mod!
You decide on four titles and the content of four threads! You can also select the UserID's of who you want the threads to be created by. You can also select to have random post icons! - All controlled via the ACP.
Its all random. Thread title one doesnt belong to thread content one and thread title two doesnt belong to thread content two. With this mod when a member registers, thread title one may be posted with the contents of thread content four and thread title three might be posted with thread content two etc. The same goes with the UserID's and the post icon.
v1.1 = product-welcomethread280509updated
v1.2 = product-welcomethread300509
v1.2.1 = product-welcomethread030609
v1.2.2 = Fixed the issue of "Welcome Unregistered" showing if you have email activation on.
Import product via ACP
Edit settings via vbulletin options >> Welcome Thread Upon Registration
Import product via ACP, Click "yes" to allow overwrite.
Edit settings via vbulletin options >> Welcome Thread Upon Registration
The screenshots show the ACP in version 1.2. I was unable to fit it all into one image, so had to split the image in half.
Although I have marked this as supported im a very new coder and this is my first release. I have tested it by signing up over 100 users on my test board and as yet there have been no glitches.
If there are any errors, I will try my best to resolve them, however as being new im still learning the ropes.
Version History
v1.0 - First release 28/05/09 (98 d/l)
v1.1 - Thread creation after email activation added / Post Icon added 28/05/09
v1.2 - Random titles/UserID/Thread content/Post icons 30/05/2009 (49 d/l)
v1.2.1 - Allows you to have the members name created as a link to their profile (88 d/l)
v1.2.2 - Fixed the "unregistered" bug
That was the mod I was using on my forum, but I thought id recode it for 3.8 giving it ACP settings. With that mod it also dosent update the post count of the user set to make the thread, this mod has that resolved.
Originally Posted by cheech47
Is there a way to change this so it creates a thread when the member subscribes rather than registers?
Quite possibly. Leave it with me and i'll see what I can do.