Version: 1.2, by Lynne
Developer Last Online: Oct 2022
Category: Social Group and Album Enhancements -
Version: 3.8.x
Released: 02-11-2009
Last Update: 03-11-2009
Installs: 56
Uses Plugins Template Edits
Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
A page to display all the messages in all the groups a user has joined.
I have found on my forums, that it is hard to keep up with new messages in your social groups. You have to go to each individual group and see if there is anything new. So, I created this page to list all the messages in your social groups in date descending order.
[s]You will need to create two new templates and upload one file.[/s] edit: The two templates and the phrases for this modification are now included in a product.
The users may either view All My Groups and see the messages from all their groups in the list, or they may select one of the groups they belong to and see just the messages in that group. I used the option vboptions > Message Searching Options > Maximum Search Results to Return to set maximum results shown.
Version History:
1.0 2009-02-12:
- initial release by Lynne at
1.2 2009-03-12:
- fully phrased, templates now in product to import.
- added option to view only messages from single group
- used vboptions > Message Searching Options > Maximum Search Results to Return to set maximum results shown
- cached all bbcode templates
- AFTER INSTALL OF PRODUCT, YOU WILL HAVE TO REVERT THE TWO TEMPLATES (socialgroups_messagelist and socialgroups_messagelistbits) IF YOU HAD INSTALLED THIS PREVIOUSLY (or else you will still be using the original templates)
Add? Since it's a totally new page, you don't get added queries to the page. But, it currently has the potential of one small query per message to get the Discussion Name. If you don't want the Discussion name listed, you may comment out the following code in messagelist.php:
PHP Code:
if (!$message['discussiontitle']) { $title = $vbulletin->db->query_first(" SELECT groupmessage.title as discussiontitle FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "groupmessage as groupmessage JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "discussion AS discussion ON (discussion.firstpostid = groupmessage.gmid) WHERE groupmessage.discussionid = " . $message['discussionid'] ." LIMIT 1 "); $message['discussiontitle']=$title['discussiontitle']; }
And then take out these lines in 'socialgroups_messagelistbits':
This sounds exactly like what I need, however the instructions in the download zip are unclear for me.
You say we have to create 2 templates but your txt file says only 1 as far as I can see. Maybe I'm missing it. However my greater concern is; How do you actually go about creating a template. I haven't the first idea. Where do I upload the template to? Please give me a little help. Thanks.
The text file has instructions to create a template called "socialgroups_messagelist" and a template called "socialgroups_messagelistbit". So, two templates.
To create a template, go to your Style Manager, find the style you want this to be used in (could be multiple styles which means you may have to create them in a couple places depending on how you have your styles set up) and select Add New Template from the dropdown.
Sorry, I doubt I'll be adding that. The problem on our forum was that users would read the forum, select Mark As Read and then never know if they had social group messages. So, I made this list for them to be able to see all the messages.