She's another stray we found on our property... I dont get how she could have gotten in our tack room though... its pretty remote, its off the back side of the barn and I have it full of storage stuff because we dont have any horses ATM. She was stuck in there whimpering and whining. DH was in the barn and heard her.
She is soooooo so so so cute, likes, no loves to be held. Shes so malnourished. Skin and bones and her stomach is really distended. She pigged out, all I had was dry dog food so I wet it down, she was shaking so bad, still is some. She probably hadn't eaten in days.
Best I can tell is she is part or full dalmatian. I cant really find any pictures online of a dalmatian with full patches like she has though. They'd refer to some of the patches as liver spots. Shes got two brown patches on her back but the rest is all black and white. Shes real pink like a dalmatian too.
She is just so adorable, DH says he doesnt know if we will keep her yet... little does he know! HAHAHAHAHA He just says that because we just picked up a stray 2 months ago. LOL
What do you think? I'm NOT good with the whole breed thing.