I've never seen that before. Perhaps you should edit the template, hit View History, and compare your template to the default template and see what was added to yours to insert that box.
edit: Those two replies above weren't there when I opened the thread... but I thought he was talking about the box that is showing up in the message box.
Are we talking about the crudely drawn blue box like thing? I thought he drew that in to draw attention to something but I don't see anything wrong within it. Other than the blue, I just see a standard quick reply editor box.
If you look closely at the picture, he's circled a box with a thin lined grey border that's sitting inside the top of his Quick Reply editing area. He didn't circle the whole Quick Reply box. And I agree, double check any template edits you made recently.
Must be my screen reso here at work or something. Even with my 20/20 vision, I can't see any grey lined box unless I get within a couple inches of the screen. And even then, it's barely visible.