Hello, I am not sure if I posted this in the right place at vbulletin.com so I figured I'd give it a try here as well:
To begin with I must admit perhaps turning to a new topic a little too quick before searching this but to be honest I am not really sure of what to search for
any way, as the topic explains I want to change the title of a topic if it contains post which not yet has been read by the logged in user. (the current change is to make the topic bold but I also want to change the colour)
I guess this is done in a template somewhere but as I have little knowledge (or perhaps experience) in template editing I do not know what to look for or where. Could anyone help me with this?
oh, and another thing which I guess also is hidden in a template somewhere how to change the width of the code box? (the box you get wraped around everything when typing "[CODE")
thnx for the tip but I am still not sure where to put the code, does it have anything to do with <if condition="$show['announcement']"> in the postbit_legacy template or am I in the wrong template?