how do i change this in teh config.php. i seen that my user id is put in there as '1' but do i have to add my username cause i try and do certain things and now it say you have to be a super admin for this. i just upgraded to 3.5.4 .
Thats a problem with your cookies, now if its giving you an error message or non permission message, post that up explaining it.
ok that is working again.
but avatars aint it showing but they show in other spots but not in posts.. and how do i get the html turned off. or does it allows stay on for admin for teh posting rules. i have the option turned off.i dunno i have to get this all fixed.
HTML is controlled view Forum and Moderators section, edit each forum and turn off HTML, then make sure permissions for each usergroup cannot post HTML.
Rebuild threads and posts via Maintenance Tools > Update Counters
HTML is controlled view Forum and Moderators section, edit each forum and turn off HTML, then make sure permissions for each usergroup cannot post HTML.
Rebuild threads and posts via Maintenance Tools > Update Counters
k html was just turned on in one forum fixed that.
also with the super admin powers do you think i am getting this message cause on my older version of vb 3.0.7 i had a read pm hack on it. so when i was updated to 3.5.4 it still shows read pm's and when i click this i get this message. any help would be great. i usally hire someone who does this,but i dont have anyone as this time.. i really need someone again just to fixed all of this thanks for your help