Anyone know what happened to the Java chat thread that was in the VB 3.5 modifications forum? I can't figure out if I'm just totally losing my marbles, or if the thread really is gone... The author of that program isn't showing up as a member in the memberlist, and the thread is totally gone. Anyone know what's going on? It was the only IRC chatroom for vb3.5.
Even deleted himself? I thought the author was Jeta, but I don't see that member in the list even now. Hrm, that's too bad, it was a great script for java IRC chat. Thanks for the tip, atleast I'm not going crazy then lol.
yeah, Jenta posted in the HotM December that because of it's controversy, he/she removed their only hack, which happened to be the PJIRC Java Chat Integration..when I went to download it about 30 minutes ago, he/she removed the download, aswell as the description, just implying "i've removed this due to this thread" with the words "this thread" linking to hotM December's thread.
Hrm, well maybe someone can port the everywherechat over to vbulletin. I'll post it in the vb3.5 mod request tho. Thanks for the info guys, sure was confused when I went to check for an answer to a question I had in there and it was all gone.
Just wondering if anyone has Jenta's forwarding address? Jenta's [vB 3.5] PJIRC Java Chat Integration is badly needed. Zachery's version isn't quite ready for prime-time yet, so I would appreciate any info or the address where Jenta could be reached. I don't blame Jenta for protesting's decision to rig Decembers HOTM, and take down the hack.
I don't blame Jenta for protesting's decision to rig Decembers HOTM, and take down the hack.
Well you should. What about the people who already have it installed and can no longer get support, and those (like you) who still want it. You think you or they should 'suffer' because he disagrees with a HOTM decision. I disagree with many decisions here, as do many others, but you don't see us storming off like schoolkids, taking our hacks with us.
My original chat which is also based on the prjirc IRC system.
When I had seen your original post of this in vb 3.0, I had expanded on it alot, added many more vb-related features along with further customization..etc. I just never released any of it publically since you had already released a hack based on pjirc. I've since closed that feature on my site, since I didn't have too much need for it at the time anymore.
lol wasn't too much point to all that, just thought i'd comment on pjirc