Version:, by Trigunflame
Developer Last Online: Nov 2019
Version: 3.5.4
Released: 02-25-2006
Last Update: 03-02-2006
Installs: 56
Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
Vbulletin Notification Application Stay Updated With Your Favorite Forums !!!
___Download Mirrors___
This is a selection of mirrors that I will try and keep updated with the latest releases.
Please use these links when linking to the product on your site.
This it to be the first publicly released Application (Ever) on and as such is currently in Beta phase and I would like as many people to help test and give ideas for new features.
This application does not incorporate any Vbulletin Code and thus does not require any modification to existing forum software, it should work with 99.9% of Vbulletin Forums.
If you wish to tell your members about this application please do, if you can offer a mirror for this file for the casual user to better enjoy using your vbulletin forum; please send me a private message or email at so this can offload some of the transfer from
On a further note, the creation of this application was to promote the growth of Vbulletin and expand its current userbase.
PS. Be On the lookout for a new Application (Vbulletin Control Center); this will allow administration of multiple forums within a single application providing speed, reliability and cross platform interoperability.
The primary goal of this particular application is to provide a 'live' notification system for the user who would like updates on his/her desktop when they receive new PM's as well as New Posts to threads they are subscribed to at the Forums they wish.
This application being very small in size will quietly sit in your taskbar and notify you when your selected forums have new private messages waiting for you
Current Features
Private Messages Notification
Configuration Via Editing XML Configuration File
Planned Features
Dialog Styles
Modifying Notification Background Color
Modifying Text Color
Configure Checking Intervals
Subscribed Threads Notification
Complete Menu Based Forum Configuration
Enable/Disable Particular Notification System and/or Forum
Installer Program to Handle Installation/Uninstallation
And more..
Linux (In Progress)
Mac OSX (In Progress)
Primarily coded in C++ with come C library usage.
Heavy usage of the C++ STL
Uses the wxWidgets GUI Library
Uses the Microsoft GRETA Regular Expression Library
Due to this being a testing phase, not all features are in a complete form; until such time the configuration file must be edited manually via text editor (vbnotify.config.xml).
Download Zip file, and extract contents to a directory.
Open the README.txt file and follow the instructions.
Updated: Page Retrieval; now pre-matches resulting in less resources and a faster notification.
New: Now displays how many PM's are Unread at X forum.
Progress: Still building Configuration Menus, and working on XML Saving.
This is an open-source project after all, and with this not being a PHP project some people might not like the idea of not having source code. I have a CVS server that I plan to keep updated with any changes made to the code which can be viewed here:
You can view the license for this project in the included zip file or here:
(In The Process of Location a New CVS Server.)
To Summarize:
You are free to modify the source code and compile it for your own use.
You Cannot use this source and redistribute it as your own product, or attempt to sell it.
If you enjoy the creation of this program and would like to see it further developed, feel free to help me out a little for my time that I am putting into this.
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Thankyou, lots of stuff to be done yet.. mainly dealing with the configuration schemes.
Also trying to think of a better way for the casual user to easily retrieve their bbuserid/bbpassword cookies.
Thankyou, lots of stuff to be done yet.. mainly dealing with the configuration schemes.
Also trying to think of a better way for the casual user to easily retrieve their bbuserid/bbpassword cookies.
I'm assuming that interval is in minutes and shown is what exactly?
I'd appreciate it if you can post regarding the meanings of those variables. Thank you.
Those are for internal conifguration purposes; when the menu configuration tool is finished manual modification of the configuration file will not even be needed. And currently the dialog section does nothing as values are specified internally.
Those are for internal conifguration purposes; when the menu configuration tool is finished manual modification of the conifguration file will not even be needed. And currently the dialog section does nothing as values are specified internally.
Heya Trigun, seen ya in the irc chan.. anyways.. what an awsome idea. I am not much of a coder, but I do have questions..
I see it can notify you of PM;s ect.. what about certain forums?? based on the members usercp selection, is that how it can be controlled? or will this e a seperate appication one has to download..ect..
Gonna install this, and run next to you on this one, it has some nice potential.