Lossless Images...
So I am working with a new book publisher. They want to make micro-sites for all of their books. I am not a graphics designer and I do not have Photoshop. I do not wish to buy Photoshop. However the publisher will need to forward me images of book covers and authors for resizing and placing on the websites as needed. Currently they are using JPEG but I am not sure that is the best method. Most images they send my are in excess of 4000 X 3000 pixels.
What is the best cross-platform lossless image format supported by the majority of graphics applications? I am thinking TIF myself but wanted to hear other ideas. I primarily use Paint Shop Pro but have not upgraded to version 10 after it was bought by Corel. When I do so, PSDs would be viable but it doesn't support all features. Spending $900.00 for Photoshop is not an option.