Version: 1.00, by Gio~Logist
Developer Last Online: Oct 2022
Version: 3.5.0 RC1
Released: 07-28-2005
Last Update: 07-28-2005
Installs: 26
Template Edits
No support by the author.
//////////////////////// Users Choose Color/Font Of Username In Posts \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
////////////////////////////////////////////////// by gio~logist \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
------------------- Allow users to change what color their username is in posts --------------------
------------------------------------------ Via UserCP -------------------------------------------
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\
Want members to be able to choose the font color of their usernames in posts?
[high]Step 1[/high]
[high]Go to User Profile Fields >> Add New User Profile Field[/high]
Choose A "Single-Line Text Box"
[high]Title:[/high] "Color of Your Username"
[high]Description:[/high] Type in the color in which you will like your username to be. Keep in mind that writing the colors in text does not always work, so try and format it like this: #ff0000 (that code is for red).
[high]Display Size:[/high] 11
[high]Max length of allowed user input:[/high] 7
[high]HIT SAVE[/high]
[high]Step 2[/high]
Now go to edit your postbit template and search for this code:
X will be the id for the field in which you created. To view the id of the field created go to the "Profile Field Manager" and find the field ID of the field you made. (This appears under the "Name" column). It should show as fieldx where x is the ID.
[high]HIT SAVE[/high]
Want them to be able to choose the font as well?
[high]Step 1[/high]
[high]Go to User Profile Fields >> Add New User Profile Field[/high]
Choose A "Single-Line Text Box"
[high]Title:[/high] "Font of Your Username"
[high]Description:[/high] Type in the font in which you will like. For example for tahoma, type in "Tahoma", without the quotations.
[high]Display Size:[/high] 15
[high]Max length of allowed user input:[/high] 20
[high]HIT SAVE[/high]
[high]Step 2[/high]
Now go to edit your postbit template and search for this code:
The X in font-family will be the id for the field in which you created. To view the id of the field created go to the "Profile Field Manager" and find the field ID of the field you made. (This appears under the "Name" column). It should show as fieldx where x is the ID.
[high]HIT SAVE[/high]
[high]AND WE'RE DONE![/high]
If you want them to be able to choose both color AND font, only do step 1 in each part, and then replace:
The X in font-family will be the id for the field in which you created. The X in font-color will be the id for the field in which you created before. To view the id of the field created go to the "Profile Field Manager" and find the field ID of the field you made. (This appears under the "Name" column). It should show as fieldx where x is the ID.