Loo CMS - The ULTIMATE content manager for vBulletin
I think this one has run its course so I am removing it from the hack forum, rather then deleting the thread I have moved it to the lounge.
For the slow: If you have not caught on by now, this hack release is an april fools joke. This hack does nothing useful, it only echo's out a bit of text in your admincp and on cms.php.
I am sorry some of you guys spent a lot of time removing this hack and getting your sites running properly again due to removing your current cms before installing mine. I don't want to sound like an +++++++ but this is why you should always set up a test forum and install new hacks there first. I did not think anyone would install this on a live forum, much less remove vBa before installing it. Guys please, if you are one of the ones that did this, start using a test forum
Thanks to dean for helping me hype this 'hack' in the irc channel for the last week or so. So if your mad at me please direct all comments to his private message inbox
Honestly, I never thought so many would attempt an install, I figured most would look at the source code and blow my cover, good to see people play along after figuring it out, was unexpected
A few people said this should be april HOTM, I don't think so, that award should go the best hack of the current month, this is defently not the one! I would feel really bad winning a contest like HOTM and ruining a vaild hacks chance. Part of the reason I moved the thread here is to avoid this begin in hotm april vote.
Happy april fools day everyone! Below you will find a quote of this post before it was edited, incase you are reading this one late
After nearly 1 year of coding I am finally happy with my work and have released loocms
Loocms is not like other cms systems out there for vBulletin, loocms allows you to manage all of your site content within the vBulletin templates via external pages. To handle multiple types of content a number of extensions have been included, they will help you manage everything from static text to flash with a few mouse clicks.
All pages and content is managed with permissions, which are based on usergroup.
The following plug-in's have been included with this release:
Download database (sortable database of files uploaded via the admin cp)
Torrent Tracker (users can submit links to torrent files for tracking, once approved stats are pulled from the torrent (size, seeds, leechers etc. When the tracker database is viewed it is just like the download db, although it shows the torrent stats)
News (news from vB forum, or external news management supported)
Ad Manager (allows you to manage banner add's, upload your banner ads and this script will show a random one on pages it is applied to)
Poll (nothing new here, just your basic poll on homepage)
WOL (Who's online for the current page)
External log-in (box prompts for username/password or if user is logged in shows welcome panel, if user log's in they are returned to the page they where viewing).
Board stats (shows a bunch of misc stats from your forum)
Multiple pages are supported, and each page lets you define what template it uses (they are called 'shells').
Big thanks to Dean for helping test this hack, he wen't thru 20 or more beta builds in the last week. Without him I would have missed some nasty stuff.