Hello, im at the end! My friend started a very simple script, that we were able to add/edit and remove reviews from. He's done the add page and a few other bits and pieces, but it just needs coming together and finishing. Our company has set the deadline that out site needs to be open, and my friend is on holiday and said he cant do it.
Unfortunatly, we can not offer money, as our company has refused our plea, as we spent it on a vBulletin instead :P , anyway that something else. So, we cant offer money, but we just need a programmar to tie up these loose ends for us. And my friend said, the programmar who does it, is very welcome to add his/her name to the script and can edit the source as they wish. I can offer webspace of my domain, as i have a large server. Also, we will place a banner on the website. I see people will probably say no straight off, but im desperate. Also, we dont mind being added to portfolios or anything.
Please email me at
thermo@game-realms.net or reply here, or AIM = thermogr , msn =