I figure a little introduction might be in order first, I am the co-administrator of a pretty busy website
S-SeriesForum dedicated to S-Series (GM) Trucks and SUVs with close to 1400 members with usually anywhere from 20-50 people on the vbulletin board all day long. I have been working with some small vbulletin hacks here and there, but would only consider myself a novice user.
My dilemma: As of late the trend on our board has become "whoring" (a.k.a. useless posting or chatting in threads and ruining them) I want to as seemlessly as possible intregrate a chat room off our forum which would also show next to the members online stat box, a members in the chatroom statbox. So first I need a chatroom (php / mySQL and vbulletin compatable) and also a hack to show who is in the chatroom on the forum main page. My hope is that the addition of a chatroom would cut down on the "whoring" in the technical forums. Thank you to all for your anticipated replies.