Adding the latest threads block as a separate page.
I'm not sure how to explain best what I am trying to do, but I'll try to be clear.
I am currently running a game server. I host my community and post my updates on my vBulletin forums. To keep the players up to date, I have to manually add the news to my launcher page via FTP, which I sometimes forget to do.
On the forums, I use the default "Latest Threads" block set to my News & Information section to have a news stream. Is there a way I can re-create that block with it's whole code on a new page, and place that as my game-launcher page? I don't want the header, navbar and so on present in the launcher, as the window size is pretty constrictive. Just the news feed.
The idea is that when I post a news thread on my forum, it will be automatically displayed(on the next block refresh) in the game launcher.