Hello, vbuleltin 4.x when webmaster is in Europe, there is privacy law that webmaster needs to notiffy user he is saving cookies to his computer and user should ahve right to disallow this.
So i want to ask which kind of cookies this vbulleting is saving. Because as i read this:
they say in 3.1 and 3.2 paragraph that session cookies and authentication cookies, those that are needed to complete user reqested action are excluded, webmaster do not need to show cookie warning..
user input session cookies are typically used
to keep track of the user’s input
filling online forms over several page
s, or
as a shopping cart
, to keep track of the items the
user has selected by clicking on a button (e.g. “add to my shopping cart”).
These cookies are clearly needed to provide an information service explicitly requested by the
user. Additionally, they ar
e tied to a user’s action (such as clicking on a button or filling a
form). As such these cookies are exempted under CRITERION B.
Authentication cookies are used
to identify the user once he has logged in
(example: on an
online bank
ing website). These cookies are needed to allow users to authenticate themselves
on successive visits to the website and gain access to authorized content, such as viewing their
account balance, transactions, etc. Authentication cookies are usually session
cookies. The
use of persistent cookies is also possible but they must not be regarded as identical, as
discussed below.
When a user logs in, he explicitly requests access to the content or functionality to which he is
authorized. Without the use of an au
thentication token stored in a cookie the user would have
to provide a username/password on each page request. Therefore this authentication
functionality is an essential part of the information society service he is explicitly requesting.
As such these co
okies are exempted under CRITERION B
are there any other cookies with vbulletin that are not exempted as mentioned above? The cookies that are not necessary for keeping user logged? For example in PHPBB there are cookies to store info. on which topics visitor already read/viewed.