So I've asked someone about this for my forum. I'm wanting to go back to using one theme only but making it so a different image shows when he refreshed the page due to me owning a clan since 2008 I would like all of our games that we support to keep showing. He's linked me to this site:
He then goes on to say this:
The ID for the vBulletin banner is called Header so you would this code
var thediv=document.getElementById("header");
Is he talking about this code?
[background=rgb(239, 239, 239)]<script type="text/javascript"> [/background] window.onload=function(){ var thediv=document.getElementById("yourid"); var imgarray = new Array("imageone.gif", "imagetwo.gif", imagethree.gif"); var spot =Math.floor(Math.random()* imgarry.length);"url("+imgarray[spot]+")"; } </script>
And where would I need to put this code? And I also see the imageone images ect but does this go on the URL's or do I need to upload the banners into my FTP?