Version: 1.00, by p0s3id0n
Developer Last Online: Apr 2006
Version: 2.3.x
Released: 08-24-2002
Last Update: Never
Installs: 212
No support by the author.
What this hack does : Adds a box on top of your vB home page
where all members can chat/shout in an IRC like way, with all the
vB options added (smilies, vBcodes....)
I started this hack by modifying the shoutbox made by Doug
Tanner for phpnuke (i think).. And it went far far from his original
code. As far as i think he wouldn't recognize it .
I integrated it as far as i could with vB, and in the admin CP,
with every bit of it being possible to modify trough the admin
CP (prune, ban, censure...)...
This hack has been tested and used by some people out
there in france .
1.2.4 changes :
Install problems with the mysql reserved words solved,
Uninstalling option added to the install script,
Possibility to automaticaly add the templates to the
templatesets you chose in the install script,
IE6 problem with divs solved,
timezoneoffset mod integrated,
text input limited to 255 characters.
1.2.3 changes :
security hole on the pruning of the admin part fixed.
1.2.2 changes :
templatesused var filled with all templates used by the
script in the shoutbox.php file and in the index.php file.
And chmod 777 made on the admin/shoutbox_config.php file
by the install script. Thanks to erwin
Name changed from shoutbox to chatbox, because some people
thought of this hack as related with TWT-commish's shoutbox...
no more excuses
Here is some sort of [high]FAQ[/high] from all the thread,
hope this helps, and prevents you from reading all that i just read :
Erwin : limit of smilies a person can post in the shoutbox.
This is to prevent smilie spamming : HERE
Erwin : Another tip for installers - instead of manually having to
ban users in the shoutbox, to automatically ban users who
you have already banned from the forums : HERE
For the shoutbox to be in a popup : HERE
To have 5 'shouts/chats' visible when the chatbox is reduced : HERE
SpeedStreet : This simply creates a link for people to click on so
that they can easily view the 'Who's Online' page without
having to dig for it : HERE
ThoughtDiver: if you want the date format on the shout timestamps
to read Month/Day instead of Day/Month : HERE
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Mmm... looks nice... how many queries does this add to your index page? Can you link to a working demo? I'm currently using TWTCommish's excellent version here:
it adds when reduced 2 querys.. one for the shout and
one for the swear list, that's all.
But when it's opened there's a frameset inside an Iframe, so
it does not add more querys to you're database, but it
adds 3 requests to your web server.
[edit]err.. for the working demo... maybe you can have a look here : but you have to register (not on the head, not on the head !!! ), and it is a french forum .[/edit]
[edit_bis]and for the comparison with the great hack from twt-comish : i think this shoutbox, is more like a chatbox...[/edit_bis]