Version: 1.3, by silveryhat
Developer Last Online: Jul 2012
Category: Add-On Releases -
Version: 3.8.x
Released: 10-05-2009
Last Update: 12-24-2009
Installs: 90
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
Code Changes Additional Files
No support by the author.
What was the last time you were so excited to write an awesome topic for your forum then hopelessly watched it faded away and nobody cares? How about having some great threads, unique information that's only available on your forum, and you want all visitors instantly pay attention to them ? Think you would make announcements everywhere about those topics, then expect someone to click on the links? Maybe that isn't so good and professional at all. Even worse, you have to bump your own thread to get others attention. DnP Custom News may have a solution for you. What does this little MOD do ?
As the matter of fact, topics in forum are displayed by some formatted orders. Either it is arranged by newest first, oldest first, or last replies, some point these topics will not be visible in the view of members anymore. Especially, for new visitors to your forum since they have no clue whether yours is a good forum or just a random half-dead community with nothing interesting. How could you show them how great your forum is, what information it has and what kind of fun can be found there? What you need is a manual list that looks automatic, absolutely informative and interactive, totally content-rich to the guests and even search engines. DnP Custom News Link allows you to place your best topics and urls into an article block that appears on your forum home index and makes it looks like a section of online newspaper homepage. This way, it is almost guaranteed you will freshen up your forum look and feel, attract more members to articles or threads that give best of your forum! Even better, DnP Custom News Link supports AJAX for instant page change without refreshing the whole forum index page. Screenshots of different configurations
+ Multipaging support.
+ Lightweight AJAX / SEO Friendly pages and links.
+ Three types of news : Image, Video, Article.
+ Option to track views.
+ Consume single query for fastest load.
+ Topic Thumbnail.
+ Topic Description. BBcode supported.
+ All settings and News manager under AdminCP.
+ Links are SEO.
+ Different style is not yet implemented in this version.
+ Able to act as a vB Advanced CMPS Module
Installation for normal forum without vB Advanced CMPS :
Upload all files and folders from the package to your forum_root folder, except product-dnp-custom-news-install.xml.
Use Product Manager to install product-dnp-custom-news-install.xml
Open your FORUMHOME template (or any templates that are used together for forum home index) , then place
PHP Code:
to anywhere you would want DnP Custom News block to appear.
Installation for vB Advanced CMPS :
Example of how DnP News block blends in along with other columns on a vBA CMPS page
Upload all files and folders from the package to your forum_root , then upload dnp_news.php one more time into forum_root/modules folder, except product-dnp-custom-news-install.xml.
Use Product Manager to install product-dnp-custom-news-install.xml
Go to Style Manager? Add New Template of your currently in-use style. Input
Title : dnp_vba_news_output
Template content : $dnp_news_output
Go to vBa CMPS ? Add Module ? PHP File Module. Input the following information :
Module Title : DnP vBa CMPS Custom News Link
Active : Yes
File to Include : dnp_news.php
Module Parent : None
Templates Used : dnp_vba_news_output
Use Module Wrapper Template : No
Leave everything else by default.
Save and load module to your CMPS page. Go to Plugin Manager and disable DnP Custom News : global_start
Management :
Now you can go to AdminCP to post some news link or configure the Dnp Custom News block
Enjoy and have fun, if you like this little MOD give it a mark and rating.
Feedbacks are very welcome in order to improve the MOD functions and features.
Update :
Upload all files and folders in the package to your forum_root folder (or forum_root/modules if used vBa CMPS). Use Product Manager to install product-dnp-custom-news-install.xml to upgrade your current version.
History Log : v1.3
Fix a minor bug
Add support for vB Advanced CMPS
Cache Template fix. Performance optimized
Add List Order (Newest first, Oldest first, Views, Random).
Improve AJAX Compability.
Add Collapsible feature.
New option to hide description and thumbnail for small news.
This looks... kinda awesome. But I get the feeling it would make the top of your forum very busy, with less room to notice the forums itself. Is it possible to somehow choose how big this box is, so it takes less room?
Also, how easy or hard is it to add links and images the way you did? Is inline editing perhaps going to be added later on?
Thanks in advance, it looks like a really nice mod.