There is a new forum called Gamerz Hut is a friendly online gaming forum where players from all over the world meet up and discuss about psp, xbox,nintendo ds,wii,pc games,modding and much more You can have friendly discussions or random chit-chat. You can make new friends. It's really fun.
I'm thinking that the white content area should be toned down. That steel grey color you have in the header area might be a good background. Love your graphics and logo though.
I'm thinking that the white content area should be toned down. That steel grey color you have in the header area might be a good background. Love your graphics and logo though.
Hmmm, after logging in to the forums, the white part would disappear.
Not sure if I follow your comment entirely? But after having given this forum/webdesign stuff a lot of thought over the past couple years (the short time frame I have been concerning myself with such matters), you want the "forum" aspect to other words, let the content grab your viewers/users attention...not rely so much on the area the content is in to do that. That header area you have is very strong...let that design carry through other site elements.
My forum is also on a white background and plan to make some changes to bring out more content.