This is freaking crazy, the only people making money are the domain registration companies as people rush to this new .co domain... basically everyone who has .com has to register .co as a typo and to block someone else from opening a super similar domain. They shouldn't allow .co at all... same with .biz, .info, etc... they are all the same things just more money for useless registrations- there should be some way of fighting this- it's like they can hold the internet hostage.

what's next, .con for 'convicts' and 'con jobs'- they should be .con. Bastards. :down:
If you own a name you should own all the extensions, you choose if you use .com or .net or whatever for your own needs, but no one should be able to register a .something else if you own a .com... Plus squatting has to be stopped, if you own a domain it must be developed within x months or you lose it, and just advertising doesn't count- there must be content.