Removing VIP forums from showing in new post and index
Im having a hell of a time with this. I dont want new posts to show from my VIP section period while using the New Post button or seeing it on the front page or anywhere else.
Do you realize that if a user doesn't have permission to see the forum, then none of the threads in the forum will show up in the New Posts?
But, to answer your question - to exclude forums in the New Posts button, you may add "&exclude=xx" or "&exclude=xx,yy,zz" (separate the forumids by commas) to the end of the New Posts url... ie. "/forums/search.php?do=getnew&exclude=xx" This would normally be in the navbar template. I think it occurs in a couple of places there, so you will need to edit each of those urls.
Do you realize that if a user doesn't have permission to see the forum, then none of the threads in the forum will show up in the New Posts?
But, to answer your question - to exclude forums in the New Posts button, you may add "&exclude=xx" or "&exclude=xx,yy,zz" (separate the forumids by commas) to the end of the New Posts url... ie. "/forums/search.php?do=getnew&exclude=xx" This would normally be in the navbar template. I think it occurs in a couple of places there, so you will need to edit each of those urls.
Yes, im aware of that, but we have some off the hook content and post titles that arent safe for work, which is why i need this. Thanks
tried that in the navar bar template. Doesnt seem to work when i test it with a vip accnt. topics still show
tried that in the navar bar template. Doesnt seem to work when i test it with a vip accnt. topics still show
Check your page source and make sure you changed every link you wanted to because it does work if done properly. Also, make sure the links you wanted to change are actually in your navbar - perhaps they were moved if you use a custom style.