110K members in a year/should I wait for 3.7 Gold or upgrade now?
Alright... 2 things..
1. my forum realraptalk.com is about to hit 110,000 members, this is great achievement in a year or so, I used some shady tactics and have some questionable content but I think it's a great regardless, biggest growing forum according to big-boards.com and etc, all thanks to vbulletin and vbseo... Why i said this? I dont know, I just want your opinion on something like this, don't take this as bragging or anything cause it's just been my hobby/side project...
2. Should I go ahead and upgrade to 3.7 right now, or should I wait till Gold Release... I'm eager to try these new features and see how it goes, like what's the WORST thing that can happen?