Postbit Editing
I am trying to edit my postbit template, so it will say have a flag for each country they are registered to. This is for Habbo, but you dont need knowledge of the game.
I want it so there is four fields in their profile, Habbo UK name, Habbo US name, Habbo SG name and Habbo CA name. I want it so if they fill 1 out, lets say Habbo CA name and its Sprained, under their Awards/reputation (I have awards so under the awards.) it will have the Canadian flag (I'll add my own, but put a random link in anyway) and when you click it, it goes to <REMOVED> THEY INSERTED IN THEIR PROFILE HERE.
And if they fill out two, UK and XA it will be the same thing but with the UK flag and the CA fkasg. If you dont understandme, take this for example: <REMOVED> the first poster (Thread starter) has only 1 flag, which means in his/her profile (s)he inputted his/her UK name and whecn you click it it goes to the link with what she inserted in that field at the end. The second poster for say, has filled out all of his/her fields so all of the links/images show.
Any help? Does anyone know the code for this, and/or where to put it?