My brain is fried after coding for 12 hours and i'm so tired... I'm using $db->escape_string() on a var after cleaning with the input cleaner class (TYPE_STR). All nasties are escaped as they should be to prevent maliciousness, etc... Problem I am having is when calling the data, it displays as follows:
Posted the banner on my myspace profile. Also posted their video on my blog, etc...\r\n\r\nOh yes i did.\r\n\r\nThat\'s what I\'m talking about. "oh yeah" i said
I can get rid of the slashes with stripslashes() however it leaves the rnrn stuff in there...
How can i clean it nicely for display? It's just text so i don't want to parse it wiht the bbcode parser unless i have to.
I also noticed that vb uses (TYPE_NOHTML) to "make safe" the data in profile fields since " becomes " (for instance). Is this sufficient for protecting against SQL injection?