My UNREAD PM text links (titles) are the same color as the READ ones..obviously this makes it a little hard to SEE which ones you haven't read yet..can anyone give me easy directions on where to change this so the UNREAD ones will be a different color than the read ones.
this is what i mean this is a list of my messages..I have opened and read all but the top seems a "bolder" than the read's icon on the left is the icon for unread mail..
BUT i want the color of the unread PMs title to be a different color than the read ones...they are all the same color of pink..i would like for say the unread ones to be white................
ps i posted this on the main vbulletins forum with no responce for 3 days now..and I have boosted my thread everyday to try to get an maybe you guys willl know what i should do.

we use Version 3.6.3