Will share some of my personal views on this.
- Let's first get the competition that really belongs to vb.org (HOTM/MOTM) running good again.
- Once that runs good, think about expansion.
- Keeping close to what vb.org is about, a design of the monh would be first to add. Like that we can serve both our coders & designers.
- Maybe add a different type of BOTM. Nominate & vote for boards based on how well they made changes to improve themself above standard vB.
- If doing a "normal" BOTM, i think it should stay where it is now, on vb.com. If w really want to have a similar contest, maybe merging the 2 might be a good idea: Nominate on both vb.com & vb.org., addup the nominees and create 1 list of boards that will enter the current month competition, and start a vote on that list on both sites. In the end, total the votes, and declare a global winner. Or some variation on this.