I'm using the Dice Roll Mod (created by Kentaurus for 3.0 and ported to 3.5.4 by Eikinskjaldi) to instead draw playing cards from a deck. However, I need the mod tweaked a little so that ONLY ONE INSTANCE of each card can be drawn per thread (with dice it doesn't matter if there are duplicates, but card games need this limitation, as there can't be two aces of hearts etc.)
So my question is, can anyone help me tweak the code so that only one instance of each card is drawn per thread? I've asked in the thread itself and no one's replied so I thought I'd try here in case any coders wanted to take it up as a challenge. (Yeah, and it wouldn't hurt me none either! :cheeky
Here's the Mod thread:
it comes with this disclaimer from the original coder:
Info for hackers:
You may modify, improve, upgrade, redistribute this hack, include it in another hack or yours or translate it provided you do it free of charge and you distribute it in www.vbulletin.org at least, there is no need to pm me asking for permission.
I've got to say that any help with this would be vastly appreciated.