I am looking to have the following hack developed. I will consider paying for it if that is my only option. I pay all the time at Rent-A-Coder and such, and have even paid people here (even when they didnt ask me to). However, I would much rather this one be released as a public free hack as I could see it doing well for those who have busy forums and want to continue attracting new people.
a hack/etc that reads the database, checks for users that have X many posts or more and active within X many days, and does random drawings.
It will have a page that shows when next drawing will happen, and how much the prize is. (admin should be allowed a cheat here in case needed, ie: choose next user to be winner)
Once someone wins the drawing, they are out of the contest for the next X many drawings.
Prize would be random between $10 and $100 (or as limited in Administration) on a weekly basis to be paid via PayPal or applied towards hosting accounts.
Ahem... I'd also really like to see the Chatter Bot come back also. Just figured I would go ahead and add that one too while posting