Echo ing $vbulletin->GPC['vb_login_username']
Just wanted to ask a silly question, but not a stupid one of course. "The question that is not asked is the most stupid one".
I am writing a plugins for login integration with vBulletin. For this purpose, I need to do the following.
1) vBulletin tries to login and fails
2) vBulletin fails and tries to check the username and password in my webservice.
3) if vBulletin finds the username and password in my webservice, it creates a new user in vBulletin and logs him.
Upto this stage everything is working fine!
However, when the user tries to login manually later on, he is not authorised. I believe I have traced where the problem is. When I add the user, I do a datamanager setup.
1. $newuser =& datamanager_init('User', $vbulletin, ERRTYPE_ARRAY);
2. $newuser->set('username', $vbulletin->GPC['vb_login_username']);
3. $newuser->set('password', $vbulletin->GPC['vb_login_password']);
Line 3 is not working. I believe $vbulletin->GPC['vb_login_password']) does not carry the actual password value. However, $vbulletin->GPC['vb_login_username']) does carry the username value.
How can I get the exact password value that was entered in navbar login form? I would like to apply that value in login_failure hook.