Originally Posted by CP,
ok ive installed this and had no problems..., ok ive scheduled site map generator to run every moring at 4am..., now the thing is im running 3.5.4 and when i enter the the vbseo url i can see the whole list inc things like remove logs etc..., i read something about passwording it, direct link or something? I couldnt understand if somebody could tell me exactly what to do?
Also where and how do i submit? i went to that Google page and Yahoo it asks for logging information?
Sorry but i dont understand what you mean wholly? I went to sitemap generator options.... there is no password field i read the "Direct Script Run Code" do i put password in there? i put password in there and then i went to:
*mypassword* it says:
"Cannot run sitemap generator directly: you should set "Run from vB Scheduled Tasks Manager ONLY" to "No" in admincp to allow this."
I know ive set the auto schedule fuction, everything looks ok but i cannot view my sitemap? i got an email from 'nobody' in report it said:
Click the following link for your vBSEO Google/Yahoo Sitemap Report:
after i click on it i get page not found?? but the email says its done this:
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So with google
https://www.google.com/webmasters/si.../en/about.html i need to make an account first? and yahoo also? One last thing to summarise how can i check if this is working? cheerS!