Welcome back!
I apologize for today's downtime but it was needed so I could change a few things here at vBulletin.org. The biggest change is a restructure of our forums, I hope you find the new layout a little easier to navigate and hopefully this will cut back on the number of posts we get to in-correct forums.
Here is what has been changed in the forums so far:
New Articles Section:
This section will host all articles that deal with vBulletin modification and running a forum. All threads from the old modification hints and tips forum, and vB 3.5 modification tutorials have been moved to this section.
New Section "Modifications, Styles & Graphics":
Everything from the old modification forums has been moved here, this includes all requests and questions. This includes threads from the old 'General Modification Discussion" forum.
These are the main two changes in the forums, there are of course other changes but I think you'll be able to notice them right off.
The graphics section was also moved to the modification database, you can see it at the bottom of the list
here. Graphic releases also act like all other modification threads now (they got the install button, version drop down, and everything else).
Look for more changes soon, I still have some clean up work to do but everything should be working fine at the moment.