Originally Posted by Corriewf
Those are the sounds of non paying union members..... We will even send you out little cards that you will have to get punched too.
I can envision it.. union splinter groups and sub-groups.
"The Union" (tm) rep walks around with a "Vote Boofo!" sign. He posts things like "The .Org is your friend," "Trust the Org!" and has ketchup stains on his tshirt.
"The Anti-Union Union" (tm) rep walks up with his "Vote Princeton, he'll protect you!" sign. He posts anti-AmyKhar messages, whines about how the community could be much better with real customer service reps and has mustard stains on his tshirt.
"The WeUsedToBeUnionButHateThemNow Union" (tm) goes around spreading propoganda about all other unions. They delete and lock posts from "The Anti-Union" (tm) folks and change their sigs to "The WeUsedToBeUnionButHateThemNow Union" (tm) links. Oh yeah, and they have mayo stains on their tshirts.
Will the madness never end?!?!
...starts the "Dancing Banana Union" (tm) because he can. :banana: Oh yeah, and has a banana stain on his tshirt.