I love this hack!! Ever since I first saw this hack for 3.0, I've wanted to find a way to implement it.
So on my board, we recently installed it and are using it as an "incident report" form that the mods fill out whenever there is a warning or a ban of a user.
The hardest part is getting them to remember to fill it out, so I wonder if someone could help me figure out what to change so that the "ban conformation" screen (the one that says "usera has been banned for 1 week") redirect to this form, instead of to the ban list.
Also, I would like it to include the user name of the person that was just banned in the request string, so it is auto filled in the correct field.
(I already edited the plugin to do this, so newthread.php?do=user_report&uname=foobar puts foobar in the field name of the user being reported.)
I don't know if there would be another hook I could use, or if I would have to edit the php files myself, either is fine.
I know this sounds complicated, but if some one could just point me to where I should look at the code, I can probably figure it out!
Thanks in advance!