Originally Posted by d1414
I'm not sure that I can do that right now because our system *may* be considered a commercial product which is why the thread was removed. I don't want to post a public link and get banned or disrespect vbulletin. If i'm cleared to, I will.
I think this would be a GREAT idea. That way, people could see WHY making this site into a network is such a good idea.
One idea for if they DO have a vB Space lite: PLEASE allow for upgrades to the full thing in due time, with exports of profiles and the like. That way, the main thing can still grow in size.
I for one am in DISagreement about making a premium version. Make a version for individual forums, but I like the centralized community, and I like the idea about a free version. Just a fraction of the main thing should be fine for most forums, since a lot of the features about the program are just things that replicate vBulletin things. If you do release the full thing for forums, make it free.