Originally Posted by friendly
I fail to see why the thread was removed. After all, it's still a free script which no one has to pay a penny for. No matter what happens, debate is uber healthy and we cannot hope to contribute to improving the web, by closing threads where people are making good effort to solve a problem. Very sad.
I gotta agree.A bit much censoring is happening.I was under the understanding that this hack wasnt being charged for?So im lost as to why its commercial all of a sudden.Also,wtf is going on with the censoring,i mean damn,shouldnt dialogue be supported as that is what gets ideas out.Alot of dictatorships have censoring and cloak and dagger policies,is that what this is all about?(im speaking both on the secrecy of vbspace hack and vb.org censoring) Sometimes i wonder when vb.org is gonna implement a delay for posts to be added as then they can moderate and asterisk any words and phrases they deem hostile or not beneficial for them.I have this funny feeling that eventually this place is going to alienate itself into closure or at least into a ghost forum.....so sad.