Well .. I wasn't really asking for help with code .. I'm asking how to get postbit plugins to work in PMs. Is there a hook location i'm not seeing here? Whats the trick?
Anyways .. if you really want to see the plugin code .. here's one of them (in postbit_display_start - works perfectly in the forums, but NOT in PMs):
$collections_query = "select count('x') collectionscount from collections where user_id = $post[userid]";
$collections_result = $this->registry->db->query_read($collections_query);
$collections_row = $this->registry->db->fetch_array($collections_result);
$collections = $collections_row[collectionscount];
.. and in the postbit template:
<if condition="($collections > 0)"><a href="/collections.php?user=$post[userid]"><img src="/gfx/mycollection.gif" width="78" height="16" border="0"></a></if>
.. in PMs .. the image is showing up for EVERYONE.