We've listed 3 different methods but I'll use Saintdog's approach, since mcyates has provided a hack (see his attachment and hack thread) and mine is more of a quick fix.
This will be lengthy to allow me to explain the method.
Each forum has an ID. When you create a forum an ID will be assigned to it. Here is my first category:
Forum: What's The 411? (id: 2)
My Forum ID above is "2". What Saintdog suggests is that using the forum ID's you can use one code to assign a different image for each forum category. This is how it works:
In your "forumhome_forumbit_level1_nopost" template (located inside the Forum Home Templates find the code:
<td class="tcat" colspan="<if condition="$vboptions[showmoderatorcolumn]">6<else />5</if>">
And replace it with:
<td class="tcat" style="background:#000000 url(/path/to/images/$forumid.gif) no-repeat top left" colspan="<if condition="$vboptions[showmoderatorcolumn]">6<else />5</if>">
1. Change the color
#000000 to whatever you want.
2. The
"./path/to/images/" is the directory where your background image will be located in.
3. The
"$forumid" is the number assigned to the forum.
4. If you want the background image to repeat change
"no-repeat" to "repeat".
Since my first category is Forum ID 2 I'll name the background image I want to use for that forum to "2.gif". Ill place "2.gif" in the image directory I specified. For each forum category you want to have a background image just name it as the Forum ID. Such as:
forum ID 2 = 2.gif (or use .jpg)
Forum ID 3 = 3.gif
Forum ID 6 = 6.gif
And so on...
Let us know on your progress.