This is by far my favorite mod so far, outshining even the vbArcade!

And I can't wait for the next update, your new features sound like alot of fun. Thanks alot for your hard work, Revan, can't wait to see what you come up with next!
[Q?] Only the Admin, usergroup 1, is listed in my RPG user table. Which means I can't for example give mass XP to my members, which is a shame. I have installed and uninstalled the mod a couple of times due to database issues(forgot to change Cash Option), if that matters. MySQL and PHP are not old. Can someone please tell me how to resolve this?
(I have of course tried RPG User Table Populate Fix, RPG User Table Cleanup, Rebuild RPG Users and the other logical options in the Maintenance section)
[Q?] Only the primary Admin 1 sees the RPG admincp link, how can I expand this to include the entire Administrator gro
[REQ] It would be wonderful if one was able to duplicate an existing Race with all it's genders and their classes to create a new race. This would save alot of time and effort.
[REQ] It would be fun if users could upload avatars for their champions.