I had to take the site down a little while ago due to moving hosts, but this has reminded me to put it back up:
http://theworldofdan.co.uk/god/ - Please feel free to send your answers to the questions - and I'll be updating the site soon so that you can read other people's answers.
PS, imported_killer (funny name for a Muslim who's trying to say Muslims are peaceful J/K :P), thank you for the story, very interesting, but in my opinion, it doesn't answer anything. I have a lot of respect for some of Islam's ideas, but contempt for some of their other ones. I also have knowledge of Islam's history, and how it spread across the globe using the universal language of
war... That doesn't sound very 'peaceful' to me. (But, don't get me wrong, it's the same with most religions, especially Christianity, so please don't think I'm picking on Islam or anything.) But what pisses me off the most (and this is aimed at all religion) is that it only exists to control, to give a set of rules, and be damned if you break them. What a negative way to live your life?
Anyway, this is all about open exchange, you've said your bit, I've said mine, and I hope we're both a little bit richer for the experience