So its about time I talk about the next milestone... *ahem*
The Admin Control Panel part of the skills is now done. True to what I hope will be the new theme of the RPG Integration Hack, skills are highly customiseable.
When you create a new skill, you are presented with two choices: First, whether or not it is a "General" or "Class-specific" skill. That's right, skills will be filterable by class. No longer do you find Warriors running around casting Firaga (unless you want them to

), nor will you find Black Mages using Blade Beam. The second choice you are given is whether or not the skill is Active or Passive. For those unfamiliar with Lineage II skill categorisation, Active skills are skills you can use provided you meet the requirements (more on this below) whereas Passive skills are skills that's always in effect.
You will not be able to swap between Active and Passive type after creating it, since it's altering some of the fundamental properties of the skill.
For instance, with a Passive skill to Warriors you could make them stand out more by giving them Defence stat boosts for increased HP.
Active skills are simply skills like Firaga or Power Break.
Another important thing is that skills have durations. Called Skill Lasting Time in the interface, this can be used to create DoT (Damage over Time) skills. Alternatively, if you choose Restoration effects, you would get healing over time (Regen). This would effectively allow you to create status properties though not in the sense I had originally planned it. But you can understand it, if you add small amount of damage and make it last say 5 turns, you could call that skill Poison and watch the opponents HP whither away.
You will be able to configure an usage cost, where you will input a number followed by a dropdown box where you can select between MP and PP. Yeah, PP finally has a use.
You will of course also be able to configure a skill category.
The Level Requirement and Learning Cost are two options which will have a say in how an user aquires the skill. If you set both to 0, the skill is learned at character creation, provided the class requirement is met if it's a class skill.
If Learning Cost is set to 0, the skill will be aquired once a player reaches the specified level.
And finally, if Learning Cost is set, the user must buy the skills at that cost.
The Governing Stat option only has an effect if the effects you attach to the skill has the "Governed by an attribute" set on it. Needless to say, it's the stat that is taken into the calculation.
That's about what can be said about the skills

I have no ETA due to the fact that none of the front-end stuff for this is coded yet.