Originally Posted by analog-x
waying the pros and cons of different arcade systems. I finally settled for v3 Arcade.
Now Installation went very smooth following the instructions.
The only thing that I'm having a problem with is the Challenge system. Where is it? how does one challenge another user?
I've made sure the feature is enabled but I cant see a button that says challenge a user or such.
I tried to do a search in these forums with no luck and I'm not sure if there is a way to search inside a thread instead of the entire forums.
So if the experts here dont mind. Could you please give me a check list of what I should do to make sure the challenge system is working?
I am no "Expert" but I was in your shoes about a yr ago too
No matter what anyone says about V3 I personaly think its one of the best out there and the New version will def. be worth the wait.
As far as your question goes........You will want to have all your members that want to participate in challenges go into their User CP and set the option to accept challenges in the arcade.
When you go into your User CP you will see the Arcade options there....The setting that you set in your admin area will be automatic for any NEW members that sign up after the arcade install, but all previous members need to set the arcade options.
Once the options are changed you will see a bar below members post that says Challenge "USERSNAME" in Arcade.
I hope this helps and you might want to just add a post to make it easier...depends on how many current members you have.
Here is an example of what I was talking about....this is what we did on our site :