Originally Posted by Oddjob
Hey Revan.....do you not give support?
Im trying to re-install your mod and your just ignoring me.
Originally Posted by Oddjob
....guess not.
thats a shame.
Do you not read my signature? Guess not, thats a shame.
Honestly now, I don't see what's so bad about showing the small ounce of support back. Users like you are the reason coders leave this site, and why people want to go commercial with their hacks.
Do you have any idea of how annoying it is to get demands for support from someone who can't even show that one bit of
free support by clicking the install link?
Is it a mental block that makes you unable to click the link or do you just have no respect for the
TWO YEARS I put into this hack? And during these two years, I have been "paid" less than you would make in one day working at Wal-Mart or whatever your local supermarket chain is called. Im not demanding donations, I'm merely making a point, the point being that I spend at least a couple of hours every day trying my best to make my hack better and more flexible.
Also, I tend to like more to give support when the query is more than "I cant reinstall."
General update, Ill post detailed info on the latest milestone reached in a few minutes. I need to post in another thread first...