Zowners, I don't know if this will help you but let me relate my installation experience. I just installed this a few days ago. I noticed in the unzipped file that there were TWO product xml files, named:
I assumed the 1_0 was the newer one and tried to import that one. However, I got database errors, the product wasn't installing into the dabatase correctly (maybe like you are getting now). So I UNINSTALLED that one, and installed the other product...the Eiken-DiceRoller-0_1 file. That one worked and the version listed for it in the admin panel is "1.0" (even though the file is named 0_1). I have no idea why there are two files, why one works and one doesn't, but I thought I'd relay that in case you are having the same problem I did.
As for creating a button for the dice roll...I'll go ask in a general coding forum to see if anyone can assist. It's not necessarily just a function of the dice roll, but a button to input ANY pre-defined text into the reply box, so maybe someone can help.