artpapa: Wow. Big list you got there but its good lol. To be honest, the development of the hack is almost at its end for me. There are only a few things that I need for it and after that I will be developing my next hack, just don't have so much time you know and everyone wants something different. Anyway lets answer that list.
1. I'm not to sure what you mean. If your saying to have a link on the navbar there is already one.
2. Well the way it is now is the way I want it. The original idea was to have somewhat the same feel the vb's FAQ section.
3. I don't really like that idea so I will not be adding that.
4. This is already done for next release.
5. Might add this if I get around with it.
6. Not sure what you mean.
7. I've been already asked 100 times for this. It says 'click here' at this time beucase there are a few bugs with having the text display. For example if they have images, smiles, etc. Just dosn't work. Plain text does. Anyway its on the works and when I have a working version of this it will be released.
8. I've tought about it however its way to much work for me to add this at this time, so for now I'll have to say no. You'll just have to use a gallery hack and simply link the image into your glossary.
9. Maybe for a future release if I get the time but really if you can just edit the templates to whatever you need them to look.
10. This is something I've been thinking about so it might get done or at least with the custom fields options you can when its done, well if I can get to it haha.
With your "?" you'll be able to remove that in the next release as a new option.
BeaLzeBuB: Yeah that should work. You could try using GAL if you wanted for that as well.