Thanks but it didn't seem to do the trick...
Here is what I tried to use:
UPDATE ts4msresorts
SET area = trim(area), country = trim(country);
The system reports: Affected rows: 0 (Query took 0.0686 sec)
Thanks for the help as you can seemy problem here because as far as the database is concerened I have more then one of a few states and countries and I even used a drop-down select box to try to prevent this before hand...
I am running MySQL 4.1.19 and phpMyAdmin 2.6.4-pl2
Thanks for the advise... I figured out that the following code will do it (The Like %Name% gets it done)...
UPDATE ts4msresorts
SET area = 'Alabama' WHERE area LIKE '%Alabama%'
I still have to go 50 states and a whole bunch of countries but better then editing 6000 rows one at a time!
Thanks Again!