Originally Posted by Shelley_c
I'm assuming that you extracted/unzipped the archive before uploading to your server? You said in your reply (above) that you placed/uploaded them in the /buttons directory. They should work (or show for that matter). Have you made sure the Images have been named correctly? If they haven't (sorry, I haven't checked the attachment) they won't show up. Chances are they are named correctly.
The only other reason why I would think that they aren't showing is beacuse you possibly have multiple styles on your forum and have placed it into the wrong directory?
If you could possibly provide a link to your forum? I can then see what the problem is better (possibly fix) the problem you have.
I unzipp'd correctly put in every buttom folder via.ftp redtoblack and fire style 3.5.4 nothing???
Originally Posted by oberheimhaven
I unzipp'd correctly put in every buttom folder via.ftp redtoblack and fire style 3.5.4 nothing???
Of course user error I get her to work thank you for sharing le me know when u have other colors this looks awesome in my forum