look at our Chat client in Beta testing now. Uses Css sheet to grab your sites skins/fonts/colors etc...
only have to upload 3 php pages and instert 2 mysql tables.
We wrote this, if you are interested, and you like it, let us know.
This script of ours is also brilliant for the user who is on: WORK, Internet Kiosk or school computer because those networks usually block the irc ports and/or block the download of Java Runtime needed clientside for Java chat to work, and Flash chat (Macromedia download required for all clients for that to work too)
This Script will run on ANY BROWSER or ANY WEBSITE without the need of open or blocked IRC ports, as this ONLY uses PORT 80.
Anyway, this is the way to go, as java and flash chats are NON customizable cause they Are already compiled packages, where this LivePHPchat is totally customizable and a breeze to install it.
Basically if you have this script runnning on your site, your website will NO LONGER be a static, dumb ole' rock... BUT a LIVING... and BREATHING web portal where people grret eachother instantly without refreshes or reloading of your chat box....!!!
see it here: