Originally Posted by dssart
Just wanted to say that this was an excellent hack. Clicked Install. Now, if it generates some cash I'd be happy to donate a little
One newbie type question that has me stumped. I want to make the ads visible to non-registered guests, Users awaiting EMail confirmation and to those who have a post total of less than 50. I know this really goes beyond the realm of this hack, but if anyone can clarify this I would be grateful. For some reason I can't grasp this and I'm sure it super-simple.
Here are my default usergroups and their Usergroup I.D.s:
Super Moderators-5
Users Awaiting EMail Confirmation-3
Now here are my Usergroup Titles/Minimum Posts/I.D. #
New Member/0/1
Junior Member/20/2
Senior Member/100/4
How can I edit the hack so that after a minimum post requirement a user can be "ad-free"?
I believe this would be done by adding a new usergroup and having users automatically promoted to it after 50 posts, then using the "if" by usergroup as explained earlier in the thread. Unless an "if" can be done by postcount, I am not sure.